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White Sage Sticks

$4.00 - $6.00
White Sage Sticks

(1) Large 8 inch White Sage Stick
(1) Small 4 1/2 inch white sage stick

Smudging is a simple yet powerful practice to clear the energy of a new home or office, a space after an argument or even your crystalsor jewelry. It can also be used to clear the body, mind and spirit of any negativity by circulating the sacred smoke around the body before smudging your space. And it’s an ancient Native American ceremony that dates back to prehistoric times.
Sage has antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay. Burning sage is thought to release negative ions. This is said to help neutralize positive ions.
Common positive ions are allergens like:
pet dander, pollution, dust, mold

What can you use the sage for:

• Cleansing a new home, office or space
• Clearing your crystals of energy
• Improving the scent of a room
• Known to reduce stress and anxiety
• Aides with meditation